Specialist Industrial Engineering

Agadir, MoroccoOnsite10 days ago

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Description du poste

- Performs and drive efficiency improvement activities

- Ensures the implementation of production efficiency monitoring systems including but not limited to KOSU, VSM, 5S, etc.

- Performs the analysis of production processes based on standard (IE) methods, detects time bottlenecks, MUDA and implements measures to highlight and resolve

- Defines and performs production process balancing according to performed time analysis and implements into the production area

- Ensures the creation and maintenance of industrial engineering related manufacturing master data including but not limited to work station documents, MES system data, capacity planning, ramp-up planning, etc.

- Supports and ensures the implementation of new products & technical changes (e. g. Change Management according CP2.2.2)

- Supports the development of new production equipment and processes in coordination with Country & Production Management teams

- Performs time analysis of production processes using REFA or MTM methodology

Qualifications et Expérience

- Bac +2/3 en génie mécanique ou industrialisation/méthodes.

Specialist Industrial Engineering

AgadirOnsite10 days ago

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