Specialist Production Engineering

Agadir, MoroccoOnsite10 days ago

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Description du poste

- Supports the development of new production equipment and processes, provides training and technical support to production in coordination with Country and Production Management teams

- Supports and applies planning, standardization and realization of Production Engineering activities (Change management, Equipment planning, creation and release of master data, method of manufacture, etc.)

- Ensures the implementation of the production concept and integration of new processes in plant in collaboration with Production Concept Team on country level

- Supports the definition and implementation of processes and material flows within the Assembly area line setup

- Ensures the creation and maintenance of manufacturing master data including but not limited to Material Requirements Planning (MRP), production drawings, bill of material, Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) data, board designs, Failure Mode and Effects Analysis FMEA, etc.

- Creates, modifies and maintains all master data and documentation related to methods of manufacture (work instructions, visual aids, etc.) and ensures machine and operator instructions are present and up to date

- Evaluates and manages the implementation of new products and technical changes according to the process description Change Management according CP 2.2.2

- Ensures the validation and release of production equipment including but not limited to new material combinations, new tooling, lay-up boards, module boards, jigs, test tables, boards and work place or station layouts & documents etc.

Qualifications et Expérience

- Bac +2/3, Bac +5 en génie mécanique ou industrialisation/méthodes, ou formation similaire.

Specialist Production Engineering

AgadirOnsite10 days ago

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